Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Assignment: Answer the following questions on the blog.

STEM Blog:

1. What is STEM?

2. Would you be interested in a STEM career and why?

3. Revisit the STEM blog and share a couple of thoughts as you revisit the blog regarding your impressions of the presentations.

4. Read: Math, Tech and the Women Who Don’t Love Them. What is the main theme in this article?

5. Go to the web site: You will see a link to: Profiles of Women Engineers. Click on that link. Five women appear. Also, there is another link: More Profiles of Women Engineers. You will find an alphabetical list of many, many more women engineers. Choose several women. (Several means more than 2.) Read about them. Pick one and, in your own words, write about her. You will see that most of the biographies are divided into the follow categories:

What I Do

Why Engineering?

My Day At Work

The Best Part of Being an Engineer

Proud Moments


My Family

Dreams and Goals



Want to be an Engineer?

School Days

6. Why did you choose this woman?

7. The following is a list of engineering careers:

Read about them. Which one interests you and why?

8. Go to the following website:

You will see 7 short videos. Watch them. Pick one and write about her including why your choose her.

9. And….last but not least…Read what some of the other girls in this project wrote. Make at least two comments.

P.S. Both websites are chocked full of great information. Spend some time looking through all the links.


  1. I am really excited to be blogging with you over the vacation. I can't wait to read about your impressions of STEM careers as well as your impressions of women who work in STEM professions. Happy viewing and blogging!

  2. Alison C.

    Stem mean Science Technology Engineering and Math. I think that when you have a job all of them have to do with STEM careers. I think STEM is the basics of learning and the path to a good job. I would be interested in having a STEM career by being a doctor/ nurse. That has to do with the S in STEM because you have to prescribe the medicine for the patient's illness. It has to do with the T because you need to put the medicine in the IV's and read the heart monitors and other equipment that they use. It has to do with the M in STEM becasuse you need math to figure out the correct dosage of medicine to give a patient.

  3. Brianna:I think stem is a career that either include science, technology , engineering, and/or math.

  4. Alison,
    I can tell that you are thinking about your future by your answer to the STEM question. I am looking forward to reading your blog as you begin your research on STEM careers and the women who have these STEM careers.

    You are correct with your answer. Did you read Alison's response?

  5. Miranda says:
    1. STEM is careers that include science, technology, engineering and math.
    2. A job that I would enjoy that has to do with STEM would probably have to do something with the T and E in STEM. I would like that job because it is very hands on and you build things in it. I would also like it because sometimes you try to improve things, to make them easier, or you try to modify something to make them more simple. I like these types of jobs because you have to work together, and you get to work with things.

  6. 1. STEM is Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. I feel that everything we do in school is STEM related, and it isn't only careers. We go to Science, Tech and Engineering, and Math. We learned that STEM is the path to success. We talked about how 6th grade is our foundation, and we need to learn the basics of STEM in order to get a STEM related career.

  7. 2. When i grow up, i would be interested in a STEM career. I think that every career there is in the world is stem related (if you don't agree with me give me a job that you don't think is and i'll tell you how it is). It might not have all 4 branches in it but it has at least 1.
    I want to be a pediatrician which is a more obvious STEM career. I love working with kids and I really like science and working with the field of medicine.

  8. STEM stands for science, technology, engineering, and math. STEM careers include doctor, surgeon, and others.

  9. I think I would be interested in a STEM career because I like science and math. I want to be a pediatrician when I grow up and that's a STEM career. By the way, happy birthday Brianna!

  10. I think that STEM is all of the jobs that help people or make the world a better place. and also that the S stands for Science, the T stands for Technology, the E stands for Ennginering, and the M stands for Math.

  11. I would be a vet because i love animals and would love to help them. or i would want to be a clothes desiner because i love shopping and making "outfits". :)

  12. Raquel Ashkenazi says:
    1. Stem means Science Technology Engineering and Math.
    2. I would be intrested in having a STEM career because when I grow up I want to be a vet because I love animals and I want to help them. Also I want to be a fashion designer when I grow up and I know that's a STEM career because when you make an outfit you have to have the right measurments and shapes and sizes. P.S. Check out my designer brand website at Thanks! <3 :D

  13. Stem means Science Technology Engineering and Math. I also think a stem career is a career that help people and the world.

    I would be VERY intrested in a stem career because when I grow up I want to be a vet because I love animals and I want to help them. Also I thought being a vet would be fun because you could learn about all different kinds of animals and interact with them. Plus you get to be around animals almost all day long. Another job I want to have is be a fashion designer because I just love fashion and art. I think what you wear describes yourself and expresses your thoughts. I think being a fashion designer has a lot to do with a stem career because there are a lot of measurments, shapes, colors, and sizes. Plus, I thought it would be cool if people would wear the things i designed and created. P.S. I have a website called and it shows you everything about my designer brand. hope you enjoy! <3 <3 <3 xoxo, Raquel

  14. Raquel...I have checked out your website! Fun! Happy Belated Birthday, Brianna.

    Happy Birthday coming up, Amanda.

    I am enjoying your comments. Fashion design, vet, pediatrician seem to be in the top 10. After you investigate all the other types of careers and the women who have been highlighted, I am curious to see if your interests begin to expand. Miranda, have you read about something that fits into your interests?

    Keep blogging, girls! I will check back later today. Alison, are you in DC? Hope you find time to post your comments. Where are you, Alyssia!?

  15. when i revisited the other presentations i thought that dr. birkbeck was a STEM carrier because he was helping people with their medical conditions.

  16. 3. I think that everything we talked about is STEM related and that by asking the questions to Dr. Pandolfi we were starting to learn about STEM and the components of a STEM related career. My impressions of Dr. Pandolfi and Dr. Birkbeck were that they were hard working men that helped people by their careers and hobbies. Dr. Birkbeck's career was related to the S, T, and E. Dr. Pandolfi's career was related to the S, E, and M (and he didn't have a very bad accent!).

  17. 3. As I was looking back I noticed all the different things that fell into STEM like designing the mars rover, I thought it was interesting. The presentations weren't at all like my idea of STEM in the beginning of 6th grade.

  18. 3. The main theme of this article is how important science and math is and how important it is to introduce woman to the fields because of all the stereotypes of women not being as good as men.

  19. 2.)Yes i would be intrested iin a STEM career because when i grow up i want to be a doctor.I am intrested in being a doctor because you help cure illnesses.

  20. The last question I did was 4. Oops!!!

  21. I am looking forward to reading everyone's responses to questions 5 and 6. Many of you want to be doctors. Is there some other type of profession that looks interesting (after you explore them)?
    Kayla, those stereotypes are not as prevelant as they uesed to be (it has been a tough stereotype to overcome), but women need to know they can do anything they put their minds to!

  22. Alison C.

    When I rewatched the presentation by Benjamin Birkbeck I learned that he started when he was young and had hands on expieriences. His inspiration was Charles Lindberg. He explored different carreers and chose what he was interested in. He had to do a lot of research to become sucessful in his job.

  23. 3.When i revisited the presentations i thought that Dr.Birbeck has a STEM career because he helps with plastic surgery and that is a kind of doctor.

  24. Miranda says:
    3. When I revisited the STEM videos my impression of them was really different then when I first saw them. At first I thought that Dr. Birkbeck's job, as a plastic surgeon, only included the S in STEM, but now i know that it also includes the T in STEM. It does because you have to know the technology of the face and how it's built to do plastic surgery.

  25. Miranda says:
    4. In the article Math, Tech, and the Women Who Don't Love Them, I think that the main theme of this article is how women should become more involved with STEM careers. We should try to introduce them to the STEM careers, ignoring the stereotypes along the way, and even if they don't like them, it would push us in the correct direction.

  26. 4.The main theme in the article is about introducing STEM careers to women and don't listen to the stereotypes because it's not true.

  27. 5. I read about Jennifer Nakayama, Folake Akintayo, Amy Devine, Alexandra Medina-Borja, Heidi Koschwanez, and Christina Miller.

    I chose to write about Dr. Alexandra Medina-Borja, Manager of Operations Research & Analysis, American Red Cross - NHQ. She directs a group of analysts that collect data from the American Red Cross. They work TOGETHER to turn numbers into useful information to improve decisions. Dr. Alexandra Medina-Borja chose to be an engineer because she had always loved math and having a challenge to face. Her day at work consists of analyzing systems and noticing the problem. Then she sits at a computer and tries to figure out the solution. After thats done, she writes a report and presents it to the upper management. She thinks the best part of being an engineer is always having a problem to fix like a consultant. Dr. Alexandra Medina-Borja is proud that she was once a Latin girl who didn't speak English but overcame that to get a Ph.D. Her family consists of her husband Armando and her 2 kids. Her dreams/goals are to give back to what life has given her and to help the education of the island Mayagüez by being a teacher there. She is moving there. Her dad, mom, and husband are her inspiration.

  28. My last comment only shows up when you click on the link under Brianna's comment.

  29. i think the main theme of the article is how men and other women are creating sterotypes that women can't be in the same workforce with men. and how there is a big gap between how men and women are working together.

  30. Alison C.

    I think that the main theme of the artical is how everyone thinks that women aren't good at STEM carreers as men and you can't expect much out of them. The artical tells about how there are so many sterotypes about women and what everyone is doing to change things.

  31. I chose Christina Miller because she has a passion and love for biology and science and there was a lot of sterotypes about women and science. Christina Miller gives organizational and program management solutions to the Office of the Special Assistant to the Secertary of Defense for Chemical and Biological and Demilitarization programs. She chose this job because of her love of science and biology and because she loves to understand how things work. She thinks the best part of being an engineer is the social and scientific complicated problems. She gives strategic solutions to aide the Chemical and Biological and Demilitarization Program to keep our nation and soldiers safe. She feels proud to have served as a Logistics/Combat Maintenince and Munitions Officer in the USA airforce. Her challenges are that she had to pay for her own schooling and it was tiring at times. There was also times where she wanted to quit but didn't. She wants to save enough money to get her PhD from MIT in Organizational Management or systems Engineering. She also wants to teach at a college level. Her inspiration was her grandfather who taught her to to balance her head with her heart and to challenge them to learn. She loves the outdoors and spending time with her dog. She loves the movies and books about physics, her favorite is The Phantom Tollbooth.

  32. oops forgot #2. Well, here's #2: I read about Christina Miller, Lisa Roberts, and Patrica Eng.

  33. I chose Christina Miller because she has a passion for science and biology which is something against all the sterotypes she probably had to face and i think that is courageous.

  34. i would be intrested in being a agriculture engineer because i love helping the planet!! GO GREEN!!!!

  35. Alison C.

    5. I read about Kara Cox, Missy Cummings, Susan Cischke, Victoria Yan, Karen Thole, Julia Phillips, and Crystal Harris. I decided to write about Missy Cummings because it seemed that we had a lot in common.
    6. I am interested in Aeronautics and Astronautics and that is what she taught at MIT.

    The Rest of 5. She works on developing better tools and technology to help people make the right desisions in risky situations. She wanted to become and engineer because she liked solving problems and wants to give a positive impact on others lives. She enjoys the product of engineering and the finished result. Her biggest challange was finding the courage to persue her dreams because from her small town from Tennessee almost no one finishes college or leaves home. Her parents were divorced and she has two brothers. One of her brothers works as a consultant for the government and the other manages asbestos removal prrojects. For thirty years her father woorked in the navy and her mother was an 8th grade gym teacher. She hopes to continue to build her lab and influence major organizations to consider human cognitive requirements. She also wouldn't mind being a Dean. She loves to be outside and go mountain biking, backpacking, skiing, and snow boarding. She got her Ph.D in Systems Engineering in 2003 in the University of Virgina.
    7. I would be interested in medicine because my whole family is in (or was in)a medical carreer and I have had hands on training with all the equiptment that docters use.

  36. 6. I chose Alexandra Medina-Borja because I am interested in medicine and I think the American Red Cross is very important.

  37. 4. I think the main theme of Math, Tech, and the Woman Who Don't Love Them is that girls are being told that they shouldn't have STEM careers or people are acting like it's strange that girls are interested in STEM topics. Also that we should work hard to get more woman in to STEM careers and prove common stereo types wrong.

  38. 5.I read about Amy Devine, Jeanine Swatton, Christina Miller, and Jennifer Nakayama.

  39. i cant watch the videos for question #8. it wont allow me to download it...........should i just not do it???

  40. miranda: for question #2 i have a question for you: do you like tech and engineering? cause you said you would like a job that has to do with tech and/or engineering. also, do you like to do things with your hands and tools?? cause that's what you have to do in tech.

  41. raquel: for your question #2, i have a connection: my connection is that i would want to be a vet because 1), i loooooooooovvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeee my puppy cleo and that i love interacting with other types of animals. i also want to be a clothes designer because i love SHOPPING!! and also i like being able to put colors together.

  42. 5.I picked Jennifer Nakayama.She is a manager in the design and engineering department at seaworld, San Deigo.She oversees the planning, design and construction. That includes Water Quality, Enviormental, Merchandise, Culinary, Park Operations, Plant Engineering, Entertainment, and Zoological.
    Her mom is a high school math teacher and her dad is a biochemist at a universtiy. So she had some influences at a young age. Her thrillo of completing a project is very rewarding to her.
    The people that inspired her to become an engineer was her family and her teachers.
    During her school days she grew up in Riverside, California where she went to harrison elementary, Chemawa junior high, and La Sierra high school. Then she got a bachelor of science fron California Polytechnic State university San Luis Obispo in enviromental Engineering,then she went on to get a Master of Science degree in Civil Engineering at the university of California Davis.

  43. 6.I chose Jennifer Nakayama because we both like to travel and we both would like to becaome a professional dancer. We also both like to cook and watch movies.

  44. 7. Being a chemical engineer interests me. I always wanted to be a doctor, and i like chemistry and things exploding, so I could do both at the same time. I could make a better way of giving pills to children or something like that. I would also like to be a biomedical engineer. I could be a doctor and engineer at the same time by helping people by designing things to fit their needs.

  45. 7.I would be intrested in agriculture because i want to help the planet.

  46. 5. I read the profiles of Tricia Berry, Julia Weertman, and Eugenia Kalnay. I'm writing about Julia Weertman. Julia is a retired profeser but still has an active research program she does research on advanced materials. Her in interest in engineering started in junior high when she was interested in airplanes. She wanted to become an aeronautical engineer. Later she discovered she was more interested in physics. She enjoys researching new materials and figuring out why they behave the way they do. She also likes working with young people and seeing them progress. She found it hard to reenter the work force after 13 years off and has a husband. Her parents,thesis adviser,supervisor, colleagues, and her husband.

  47. 8. I chose to write about Judy Lee because I think it's cool that she designs things that we use every day. Judy Lee is a mechanical engineer and an industrial designer. She works at IDEO as a product designer. She thinks the best thing about being an engineer is that you have no limitations to what you can design. She goes in with a group and brainstorms different things. Afterward she picks an idea and takes it to the shop to make it come to life. She enjoys the creative process and doesn't feel like it's coming to work every day.

  48. 9. To: Amanda question 5.
    I don't get your last 2 sentences... Can you explain them to me?

    To: Kate question 7.
    If you were an agricultural engineer, what would you do to help the environment?

    To: Raquel
    I love your website!! It is sooooo cool! You are already an engineer (kinda) because you made a website... I couldn't do that!!!

    To: Kate and Raquel
    I have a connection with you girlies because I love animals and fashion/designing stuff and outfits.

  49. Miranda says:
    4. I think that the main theme of the article Math, Tech and the Women Who Don't Love Them is how women should try out STEM jobs, instead of letting all of the men get the jobs, because science, technology, engineering and math are all really important.

  50. Miranda says:
    4. I think that the theme of the article Math, Tech,and the women who don't love them, is how it is really important to introduce women to STEM jobs, because science, technology, engineering, and math are all really important.

  51. Miranda says;
    whoops!!! i by mistake posted my question 4 three times!! sorry!!

  52. Miranda Says:
    5. The person I chose to write about was Fernmarie Brady. Fernmarie is a Avionics Engineer, and works for the Boeing Company in Seattle. She makes better improvements for the next generation of airplanes. She chose engineering, because she had always had a interest in math, science, and technology, but found loved space even more. Everyday at work, she continues creating cool planes with her peers. To her, the best part of being an engineer is helping to contribute something to technology. Not only is she an engineer, but also a mom. Some of her proud moments are when she sees her children and husband reach their goals. Also, she is proud when people tel her that she has inspired them. Challenges that have stood in her way were how she grew up in a community where education was very limited. Even though this was a challenge for her, she believes that this hardship helped her get over adversity. As I said, she is really connected with her family. She has three children, a 14 yr old, a 15 yr old, and a 17 yr old. Her husband, Travis Brady, is a 3D artist for video games. Something else that her children do for her is inspiration. When her daughter was born, she thought that she had to be a good role model for her, so she has always tried to perform her best. Although she had many achievements, she still has more dreams and goals. Some of them are getting a PhD in Human centered design and engineering. Also, she wants to be the leader of a highly technical organization. But most importantly, she wants to keep a happy family
    while doing these goals. Something she does is
    work as a crew member for Zero Gravity. Zero gravity is a private company that gives weightless flights to people. In addition to that she really likes visiting schools and universities to encourage young people to do something in the technical fields. She believes that if you set goals to reach your dream, try achieving your goals, and don't give up! She went to the University of Puerto
    Rico, and the International Space University.

  53. Miranda says:
    rest of 5. The people I chose to read about were Fernmarie Brady, Erin Fitzgerald, Patricia Galloway, and Elizabeth Horne.

  54. Miranda Says:
    6. I chose Fernmarie to write about because I have always liked space, and when I saw what her job was, an Avionics Engineer, I thought that i would learn some more about her. I think that my answer too question 2 has changed. Instead of doing something related to technology and engineering, I would like to do something woth science and space.

  55. Miranda Says:
    7.Space interests me the most out of the choices. It does because it no only includes engineering, but also science about space.

  56. 6. i chose Julia Weertman to write about because after reading her profile I thought that she led a very interesting life.

  57. Miranda says:
    8. I chose to write about Daniele Lantagne,who is an enviormental engineer, because I think that it's cool how she teaches kids about safe water. Instead of just talking, she makes them test it out, by asking them to fill up different containers, and see which one is the easiest. She also travels to different developing countries, and teaches them about safe water.

  58. Miranda Says:
    9. To: Brianna question 7
    For question 7, do you think you could explain to me a little bit more about how agriculture helps the world?

    To: Kayla
    I agree with you about the stereotypes about science careers, the first thing you think about is a man in a lab coat, in a lab.

  59. Alison C.

    I picked video 2 about Erin Fletcher. She works for the Washington State Department of Transportation on designing bridges and barriers to help change peoples lives for the better. She was facinated by the 'Galloping Gurdy' which was a bridge she had to cross every day to go to school. One day when the bridge fell she knew she wanted to work as a civil engineer. She began working as a project manager and her major role is a people facilitator. I chose her because I thought it was an interesting job and it is cool to think that I could drive over one of the bridges that she designed.

  60. 7. Out of those options environment and medicine interest me. Medicine interests me because i have always liked playing "nurse" to my brother when he was sick and I feel it very rewarding to help people. Engineering is also an option I'd consider because I feel very strongly about protecting the environment.

  61. Alison C.

    To Raquel: I looked at your website and it's so cool!!

    To Brianna: I also have a connection with you and Jennifer Nakayama because i love traveling, cooking and watching movies.

    To Kayla: I also think it's cool that Judy Lee designs things that we use every day!!

  62. 8. I'm writing about Judy Lee because she seems to have so much fun at her job at IDEO. She is a mechanical and industrial engineer. She gets to brainstorm and design products which looks like a lot of fun. In all the videos I saw the woman seemed to enjoy their work a lot I never knew there were so many possibilities for a STEM career.

  63. Kayla basically the last two sentences of number 5 mean that Julia Weertman found it hard to go back to work after 13 years off, and her parents, the person who helped her write the very important paper she needed to graduate collage, her supervisor, the people who work with her, and her husband support and encourage her.

    Miranda: i agree with you, i think actually filling buckets with water and comparing them is much better way to learn then just talking.

  64. I really liked the person (I will let you know her name the next time I blog) who made the Star Wars game because I think making video games is really cool. This was from one of the videos that I looked at.

  65. stem means science, technology, engineering and math

  66. I would be interested in making video games

  67. i really like alyssa i forgot her last name but it starts with a if it isnt for her and the people she works with we wouldnt have lights

  68. Alyssia i think that her last name is Apsel.

  69. Amanda...I have read all your blogs. I know that you know what STEM stands for even though you didn't comment on it! Do you still want to be a pediatrician now that you have read about many more different types of careers? I think you are "right on" regarding your assessment of the article. It's amazing how Julia Weertman had the belief in herself and the support of family to make the decision to go back into the workforce. Good for her! What about her life did you find especially interesting? I wonder how you could combine medicine and engineering skills towards a profession that you would find interesting and challenging?

  70. Kate...I like how you wrote that STEM jobs help make the world a better place. I couldn't have said it better myself! mmmm I wonder how you could combine being a vet and a clothes designer? ...train to be a vet and then design clothes with an animal theme, and start your own website selling these clothes????....while still working with animals! What do you think? Hopefully, by the time you enter the workforce, the gap between men and women will have narrowed. Christina Miller sounds like an amazing woman. I loved it that her favorite book is the Phantom Tollbooth. Did you read that book in elementary school? I think that I will set up a computer in my room for anyone who was not able to watch the videos. They are really worth the time.

  71. Raquel...I see that you want to be a vet as well as a clothes designer. Read my comments to Kate. Maybe the two of you could go into business together. (I did check out your website, by the way, and it was very cool!) I'm disappointed that you stopped your blogging after question #2. I was looking forward to reading your comments.

  72. Kayla...Maybe I missed it, but I didn't see your answers to questions 1 and 2?? Hopefully, by the time you enter the workforce, there will be many more women in STEM careers than there are now...and that stereotype regarding women not being as good as men will be a thing of the past!! Dr. Alexandra Medina-Borja is a woman of many different skills and interests. She had many obstacles to overcome, including learning a new language. Just goes to show, that if you have the desire and determination, you can do anything! Do you find it hard to swallow pills? I like your idea of trying to figure out a better way of taking pills.

  73. Amanda, Kate and Raquel...Have you answered Kayla's questions?

  74. Amanda, Kate and Raquel...Have you answered Kayla's questions?

  75. My answers for 1 and 2 are there... Six and seventh one down.

  76. Kayla, You are right. I actually printed the blogs and for some reason, that page didn't print.

  77. Brianna...Good answer to #4. If you want a STEM career, it's yours for the taking (and desire and determination!) I thought it interesting that you chose a woman whose career is in the design and engineering department at SeaWorld, San Diego. I have been to SeaWorld. It is a fascinating place and what fun it would be to work there! seem to have many interests: travel, dancing, cooking and watching movies as well as helping our planet! Good for you!

  78. Alison...I think your connections are "right on" in your responses to Questions 1 and 2. Very thoughtful answers. You mentioned that Charles Lindberg was Dr. Birkbeck's inspiration. I'm sure you will have several people/experiences in your lifetime who/which will inspire you as you make your way through your life. I think it's great that you chose a woman, Missy Cummings, because, among many things, she is a risk-taker and loves to solve problems. I do think that, from everything I am reading, you will end up in a STEM career. Kudos!

  79. Miranda...I just finished writing a blog to you and somehow I lost it. Oh, well...I will start over. Your responses are extremely insightful and thoughtful. I was impressed that you have expanded your horizons in the course of this assignment. Additionally, Fernmarie Brady, the woman you chose, is a very impressive woman: she loves space, making contributions to technology, being a great mom to her 3 children and her ability to overcome adversity. Your response to Kayla about the "lab coat" is so true!

  80. Alyssia...What you blogged was good, just not enough. You only responded to a few questions. What happened?

  81. Kayla: for your question for my answer to number 7, i would go to a beach and pick up all the trash, or start a group to help me pick up all the trash.

  82. I thought that Dr. Birkbeck's pesentation was very intresting and I realized a lot of things I didn't notice before like how much being a plastic surgeon had to do with STEM. It really surprised me because I only thought it Technology and Math in it, now I realized it also involved the T too!

  83. The main theme of "Math, Technology, and The Woman Who Don't Love Them" is woman can show the world that they can be in STEM careers as well as men. Also these are just stereo types and woman should be able to be involved in one of those careers.

  84. I chose Dr. Alexandra Medina-Borja. She is a manager of operations research and analysis. She directs a group of analysts that work with information from all the Red Cross chapters nationwide. She does this from ARC headquarters in Washington DC. She tranforms numbers into useful information so that the directors can make good decisions which will affect thousands of Red Cross employees, volunteers, and costomers. She studies all Red Cross systems and shares/gives ideas to improve the system and help make it better. Alexandra chose a STEM career because she liked math in school(STEM= M-Math)and she loved Industrial Engineering because of it being an engineering discipline that can be used in many types of businesses or situations. She also likes challenging puzzles and she plays sudoku which is a type of mathematical puzzle. She also chose a STEM career because she wanted to do something that was challenging and different. Alexandra loves to be an industrial engineer because an industrial engineer is always a consultant to the company she works.When she is a consultant,her job is never boring because it changes all the time. Alexandra is very proud of being a small latin girl with not a complete command of English. She thinks the main challenge is that of being taken seriously and she thinks she was able to overcome that. Alexandra has two little children, a boy who is 9 and a girl who is 8. Also she has a husband named Armando. One of Alexandra's dreams is to pursuade girls like herself with engineering dreams that anything is possible. She got her undergraduate degree in Production Engineering with a minor in Materials Engineering at the Federal University of Sao Carlos, in Sao Paulo, Brazil. She got her Masters of Engineering from Virginia Tech and my Ph.D. in Industrial and Systems Engineering also from Virginia Tech. Three people that inspired her was her mom, dad, and husband. Also, some of Alexandra's hobbies are to paint, but she isn't a really good artist and she also likes to dance to Latin music. Plus she likes to play with kids and she loves the beach.

  85. Raquel AshekenaziMay 10, 2010 at 9:30 PM

    Out of all the engineering careers the one that caught my attension the most is the Environmental Engineer. This one intrests me because I care about the environment and helping nature (animals, plant, etc...). When I read some of the examples I thought that inventing better ways of recycling paper, plastic, and glass was really cool and a great experience to learn about new things. Also, another example I thought was cool is to develop ways of tracking endangered species. Another reason I thought being an environmental engineer was intresting is because a lot jobs you do involves being outside and I love nature. Also you make a big salary your first time on the job.

  86. Kayla- I thought you were totally right about how bad the stereo types were and I defenetly agree! :)

  87. Miranda- I agree with how you explained the theme of the article we read. You did a nice job explaining it and it made things a lot clearer for me. Thanks!

  88. When I watched all seven videos I chose Erin Fletcher because she designs bridges and barriers that reduce traffic noise. I think Erin made a good point about why she chose her job. And I liked the way she said she was facinated by the bridge she drove over every morning to go to school. Also I chose her because the job she has involves a lot of team work and hard effort and she helps us people have stable bridges to drive over and I thought that was something I might think of doing when I'm older because I love helping people.


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