Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Why Math?

Continuing with our STEM Speaker series, Judy Dolan, a math teacher at Newton South and Emma's Mom, prepared a terrific powerpoint on "Why Math?".


  1. Thank You so much for coming to our classroom! I enjoyed your presentation a lot. The problems we did were really fun and interesting. Thanks so much!

  2. Thank you Judy for coming to our class. I loved the problems that you gave us to take home and do. I also loved the ferris wheel and all the other problems that you showed us were so interesting. Thank you again for coming to our class.

  3. Thank you so much for coming to our class and teaching us about what you do. I learned a lot from you presentation. All the problems you showed us were really cool. The ferris wheel was one of my favorite parts of the presentation. One question I have is, how long have you been teaching high school math?

    1. Hi Jordan,

      I have been teaching math for about 18 years. (I know, sounds like a lot but time passes really quickly when you like what you do.) Thanks for letting me visit your class. I really enjoyed working with you.

  4. Ms. Dolan thank you so much for coming to our class and for preparing an amazing slideshow for us! I was very surprised that cricket's chirp can help you figure out the temperature. Also I loved the ferris wheel questions and the real model of a ferris wheel was fantastic. Thank you again!

  5. I really learned a lot from your presentation. Math is now more important to me than it was before. I thought the map problem that you talked about was really interesting. Thank you for coming in!

  6. Thanks so much for coming in. I Really enjoyed your presentation, I learned so much such as, math technicians and tricks.You even Inspired me to be a math teacher just like you. :)

    Thanks so much,


    1. Irene,
      That is awesome! Let me know if I can ever be of any help.

  7. I enjoyed your presentation and now I know more about why math is so important. I wonder what was the hardest problem you have ever done?


    1. Hi Benji,

      I don't know if I remember the hardest problem that I have ever done. Sometimes problems seem impossible but once you work on it and "get it" they don't seem that bad.

      The hardest class I ever took was Non-Euclidean Geometry. This type of geometry looks at figures on a sphere instead of a plane. I just couldn't get past "conventional" thinking that parallel lines never meet because in spherical geometry they do! My professor kept talking about ants walking around a globe but it never made sense to me. While I certainly appreciate the exposure to a new form of geometry, it was really hard to grasp the concept.

  8. Thanks very much for coming in, Mrs. Dolan. I really enjoyed the problems that you gave to us to think and talk about. It left me thinking about a lot of different things and wanting to try more! I thought that the problems about the least number of colors you could have on a map, and the one where you had to figure out how many squares there were, were very interesting.


  9. Dear Emma's mom, thanks for doing a presentation on math for team 6-4. It's was very nice of you, to show us different ways to solve a math problem. It's was helpful and interesting, thanks again.

    1. Hi Karen,

      Thanks for your help with the power point. You did a great job.

  10. Thanks, Mom, for coming to team 6-4 and talking to us about why you chose math as your career! I thought that the difference in noises of crickets on a hot day and a cold day was rally interesting!


    1. Maybe counting chirps would make a cool summer "project." What do you think!

  11. Celine Y: The problems were fun to do. I liked the ferris wheel! Thank you so much!!!

  12. Ms. Dolan,
    It was great having you tell us about your stem career, being a math teacher. Its so amazing how you can tell the temperature with how many crickets a cricket makes!! Thank you so much! :)
    Isabela P.

  13. Thank you for coming in! I love the ferris wheel! I have the same one at home! I found the cricket problem interesting and learned that you only need 4 colors to color in any map with no colors touching.

  14. Thank you for coming to our classroom! I really enjoyed trying to solve the question with the squares! I also find the cricket problem really cool! Where did you find that out?

    Thanks again!

    1. Hi Elaine,

      I think I first found it in a textbook and thought it was interesting. I wasn't sure if it was one of those made up textbook problems that have "pretty" answers or if it actually worked. I researched it and the model works. It gives a really good approximation of the temperature. I think it is pretty cool too. I am glad you enjoyed it.

  15. Thank you so much for taking the time to visit our classroom! I learned a lot about why math is so cool-- and I really liked the problems you showed us. I especially like the problem with all of the squares!
    Thanks again,

  16. Thank you so much for coming in.I learned a lot of new things like why there is only four colors on a map.I also liked the cricket problem.

  17. Dear Mrs. Dolan,
    Thank you so much for coming into our class and explaining what skills we needed in order to be a successful problem solver. Also, I thought those problems were really interesting! I especially enjoyed the cricket theory.

  18. Thank you so much for coming! The problems were fun to do, and I loved the ferris wheel. I feel like I learned a lot from your company in our class.

  19. Thank you for coming to our classroom to talk about your job! I thought it was really interesting when you said that you can use crickets to tell the teamperature outside. Also, I had never knew that you only needed four colors to color any map without the same color touching until you came in. Thanks again for coming!!!

  20. Thank you for coming in. I really liked the ferris wheel you brought in. I also enjoyed the problems that you showed to us.


  21. Thank you so much for visiting our classroom, Mrs. Dolan! I learned that crickets can tell the temperature and I thought that was really cool! Also, I never knew that you could color a map with only four colors. Thanks again!


  22. thank you so much for coming I thought it was really cool that you could tell how warm or cold it is using the crickets voice.


  23. Thank you so much for coming in, the coolest part was the ferris wheel and learning about the crickets so interesting i really enjoyed it well, thanks again.

  24. dear ms. dolan,
    thank you soooo much for comeing in and presenting your slide show! your slideshow made me appreciate math soo much more! i loved the ferris wheel! It is amazing how much problem solving can be! thank you again! i will try to count the crickets chirps this summer!

    Jenny Lipof


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