Monday, February 13, 2012

CICU Presentation/Happy Valentine's Day

David Patkin's mom, Lynn, did a wonderful presentation on the Heart...coincidentally tomorrow is Valentine's Day!


  1. We were so lucky to have the opportunity to actually hold a heart in our hands today. Thank so much, Mrs. Patkin, for sharing your time and expertise with our class....

  2. thanks so much for taking your time and effort for comming to teach us about are heart. I was so amazed about the fun fact about the whales heart size and that it only beats 6 times per minut.


  3. that is the coolest stem career ever!!! i love watching the video and seeing how fast the heart beats! i liked the fact about your fist being the same size as your heart! thank you sooo much for comeing into our class and taking the time to teach us something sooo exciting and fun! i really appreciate it!

    thanks again,
    jenny lipof

  4. I'm so proud of you for showing a great presentation and hope you can tell me more.

  5. Thank you so much for coming into our class and teaching us about what you do. All of the heart facts were really cool and i could't believe have of them. I like it the most when we were able to hold an actual heart. I thought a heart would be shaped differently and it would be heavier. I loved all of the fun facts about the animals hearts and how a octopus has 3 hearts, that is amazing! Again thank you for coming in a teaching us about the heart.


    1. I thought the presentation was really cool and I didn't know a heart was so small. I also thought the actual hearts were really cool.

    2. I really enjoyed the presentation. I learned that a heart is smaller than I thought it would be. I now know what a heart looks lie and what it feels like.Thanks for the presentation!


  6. I really liked your heart presentation! I thought the hearts would be"fresh" but that doesn't mater. you tolled us a lot about the heart.

    ___ Adir genis

  7. Thanks so much, for coming into out classroom it was very interesting to learn about hearts. My favorite part was when we got to look at the hearts and know some cool fun facts.

    Thanks so much,


  8. Thank you so much for coming in and talking about the heart to us. I really enjoyed the presentation. I learned a lot today that I did not know! I really enjoyed the fun facts that you talked about! Thanks again!

  9. Thank you for coming to our class. I loved learning all those cool and interesting fun facts about our hearts and animal's hearts. I was surprised that a hummingbird's heart beats more times in a minute than a blue whale's heart. But my favorite part was seeing and touching an actual heart. I thought it would be slimy and red but I was pleasantly surprised that it wasn't. Another interesting part is when you showed us the pictures of the children hospital in the 1900s and now. I couldn't believe the comparison. Thank you again for coming to our class and making my day.

  10. Thank you so much for coming into our classroom and teaching us about the human heart and what you do. Bringing in those preserved hearts and actually being able to touch them was one of the coolest and most interesting things I have ever done!!! It was also fascinating how big a heart with heart disease is compared to a healthy heart. Also those fun facts about the humming bird and blue whale's hearts were very interesting!!! Thank you again for taking your time to visit us!!!
    Thanks again,

  11. Thank's so much for coming to our classroom and teaching us about your job! I really enjoyed all the facts about the heart, they are so cool! I really enjoyed holding an actual heart too! Are hearts actually yellow when the function?

    Thank you for coming!


    1. No, as I mentioned it is the wax preservative which gives the hearts their color. When in your chest, the heart is somewhat pinkish in color, with blue and red blood vessels running over it.

  12. Thank you for coming to our classroom!
    It was awesome to hold the hearts. I was fasinated when you told us that an octopus has three hearts and the animal with the highest blood pressure is a giraffe.
    Thanks again,

  13. Dear Mrs. Patkin,
    Thank you SO much for coming in and explaining those really cool facts about the heart, and telling us about your interesting job as a data analyzer at CICU! Your whole presentation was extremely awesome and I especially enjoyed touching the preserved heart!I liked comparing the healthy heart and the diseased heart:(. Again, thank you so much for coming in!


  14. I really enjoyed your presentation. I never knew that your heart was in the center of your chest.I thought the facts about the heart and the real hearts were amazing. A question that I have is what does the octopus use its three hearts for?


    1. Sorry Andrew, I have no idea. You might want to look it up

  15. Thank you for coming into our class. It was really cool to see the differences between the 2 hearts and to hold them.

    Jack Sinclair

  16. Thank you so much for taking the time to come to our class! I never thought I would ever be able to touch a heart. That was such a cool experience for me. Seeing the difference between the two hearts really interested me. Again, thank you!!


  17. Thanks so much for coming to 64. The presentation was very interesting. It was really cool seeing a real human heart because we could see all the different parts and compare the sizes! Thanks so much!

  18. Thank you for coming to science class and teaching us about hearts. I now understand why it's so important to be healthy and why so many adults eat Honey Nut Cherrios or just plain Cheerios, after seeing troughs completely 2 different hearts. Thanks again for coming in. P.S., do u know what a heart mummer is?

    1. A murmur is an extra sound some hearts make. I'm sure you've heard that the heart makes a sound like LUB-DUB, LUB-DUB when it beats. Hearts with a murmur may sound like this LUB-DUB WOOSH, LUB-DUB WOOSH. Many children have heart murmurs that go away when they grow up.

  19. Thank you so much for coming into our class and teaching us about your job! I thought that it was really cool that a whale's heart only beats about 6 times per minute. I also thought that it was amazing seeing a real human heart and I couldn't believe my eyes!!!!!! If an octupus has three hearts and one of them was not working, will the octupus die? Thanks again!!!!!


    1. Sorry Yordi, I don't know anything about octupi. You might want to research it on the web.

  20. Thank you so much for coming to 6-4 and talking to us about your career! I thought the video of how the heart works was really cool! I also never knew that a giraffe had the highest blood pressure out of all animals! Where did you find that out?

    - Emma

    1. I got my information from a booklet here at the hospital, but similar information can be found on the web and in books.

  21. Thank you so much for coming to our class! I learned a lot about the heart. I didn't even know what a human heart looked like! It was also every interesting to find out just how many times a human heart beats in a whole lifetime!
    Thanks again,


  22. Mrs. Patkin,
    Thanks so much for coming in to talk about your STEM career job. It was a surprise when you told us that really your job was a data analyst.
    Something I thought was amazing was the fact the the Blue Whale's heart only beats six times per minuete! That's only one time per ten seconds! My mom also works at the Childrens Hospital too. She sees hearts all the time in x-rays. It was also really cool to touch both of the hearts (with gloves on). I was wondering if an octopus is like a cat with nine lives but just with three because the octopus has three hearts. If one heart stops will the octopus still have two more lives?
    Thanks again,
    Isabela P.

  23. Mrs. Patkin,
    Thank you so much! I thought it was really interesting when you told us that an octopus has 3 hearts! I leaned a lot about how the heart works and how to keep it healthy. I thought the real heart would be gross but it was actually really interesting
    Thanks again, Isabel

  24. Thank you so much for coming in to teach us about the heart. I especially thought the part about the heart growing bigger to keep up with the disease was cool.

  25. Mrs. Patkin,

    I thought it was really interesting when you came to our class and told us all about your job. It was so cool when you brought in the real hearts! I learned alot, like the size of your fist is the size of your heart. Also that my heart isn't in the shape of a heart. Thank you so much for coming!


  26. Thank you Mrs.Patkin I loved the presentation I thought it was cool that a humming birds heart beater like over a thousand times every min. I also thought it was the coolest that you actually brought a heart from your work. I thought the one with the disease was the coolest thing of all and we actually got to go up and touch it! I loved hearing about your job and what you had to say thank you Mrs.Patkin.


  27. Thank you so much for coming in and teaching us about the heart, you know i have never touched a heart before so i thought that was cool. i really liked hoe you talked about the heart instead of talking about your job. :)

  28. Thank you for coming to science class and teaching us about hearts. I now understand why it's so important to be healthy and why so many adults eat Honey Nut Cherrios or just plain Cheerios, after seeing troughs completely 2 different hearts. Thanks again for coming in.



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