Wednesday, February 27, 2013

STEM Presentation: February 12, Deborah Reich

Team 6-4 enjoyed a fascinating presentation on anesthesiology.  Dr. Deborah Reich of Newton-Wellesley Hospital and the mother of Maddy, explained how anesthesiology works and how she became an anesthesiologist. She described the process doctors use to reduce pain during medical procedures and demonstrated several techniques used by anesthesiologists.
Dr. Reich demonstrates how to find a vein.
Dr. Reich demonstrates how an IV works.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

STEM Presentation, February 5, Neville Sonnenberg

Dr. Sonnenberg showed us eco-friendly packaging made of bullrushes, sugar and bamboo!  How cool is that!

Aly's dad, Neville Sonnenberg,  was Team 6-4's STEM speaker this week.  He shared with us what is a fairly new STEM field, Materials Engineering.   We divided up into 3 groups.  Each group had to decide which characteristics metals, ceramics and polymers have such as:  does the material conduct electricity, is it hard, is it strong, expensive? Then, he showed us how engineers use these properties to develop new products.